Project Ideas
As described below, we are searching for partners for this project idea of using blue protein and green protein productions in closed loops, facilitated by climate neutral, Wind- , PTX and excess heat energy to […]
At present, we are dealing with the increasing negative pressure of cities and their inhabitants on the condition of the natural environment, which is manifested, among others, by more and more waste generated by […]
Our idea is using an biodegradable waste in process of producing electricity and heat for municipality (district) or even local community in new biogas plans or improve existing. Improving efficiency of existing […]
We in University of Tartu are working on topics solid waste and wastewater. Recent circular economy approaches have guided us to recover metals from raw anaerobic sludge and compost from municipal wastewater […]
The Baltic Sea Innovation Forum provides a transnational platform/forum to connect Baltic Sea region innovation ecosystems and having access to public, research and business groups, to engage them in the […]
A simple process to recover phosphorus and nitrogen from solid and liquid waste streams to produce mineral fertilizer.