Project Ideas

  • Group logo of URBAN SANDBOX: Social and Economic Resilience through Experimentation and Young Citizen Engament
    active 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    The project wants to encourage experimentation in urban planning processes by introducing a perspective change which aims to offer new opportunities for young citizen engagement – active involvement of children a […]

    Public Project Idea / 27 members
  • Group logo of Baltic smart village model
    active 3 months, 1 week ago

    The „Baltic smart village model” project aims to test and develop different models of a smart village in the Baltic Sea region context that will improve competitiveness and attractiveness of rural areas and cre […]

    Public Project Idea / 72 members
  • Group logo of Empowering local administrations to develop a smart multi-sectoral approach on energy transition
    active 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Dear potential project partners,
    we are a Berlin-based SME with many years of experience and routine in consulting and handling European projects as well as conducting blended learning trainings on EU fundraising […]

    Public Project Idea / 45 members
  • active 5 months, 1 week ago

    Support Baltic Sea region cities and their regions to promote innovative, smart, climate-neutral and cooperative governance. This goal would be achieved with the following simple steps:
    1. Through centralized […]

    Public Project Idea / 24 members