Project Ideas

  • active 5 days, 6 hours ago

    The project aims to leverage AI and data economy in reflecting the following topics in tourist locations:
    – effects of tourism to the location, local population and culture
    – sustainable choices by the tourist […]

    Public Project Idea / 19 members
  • Group logo of Baltic Sea water quality digital twin (contact:
    active 6 days, 9 hours ago

    Coastal environments in particularly heavily populated areas are strongly affected by human activities. Baltic sea condition is affected by climate change in terms of increase of water temperature, decrease of ice […]

    Public Project Idea / 19 members
  • active 1 week, 4 days ago

    Public institution ”Žaliasis regionas” (Green Region) is a sectoral agency from Lithuania, Taurage region. Green Region is looking for partners (municipalities. NGO’s, sectoral agencies, public transport service […]

    Public Project Idea / 27 members
  • Group logo of The use of innovative technologies in adapting forest paths for people with disabilities
    active 2 weeks, 1 day ago

    The aim of the project is to increase the accessibility of forests and improve the general well-being of citizens, in particular people with disabilities, by offering them novel and innovative opportunities to […]

    Public Project Idea / 32 members
  • active 2 weeks, 3 days ago

    Since Russia’s full scale invasion in February 2022 appx. 8 million Ukrainians have fled from the war. More than 2.8M of these are now in the Baltic sea region, including more than 1M in Germany and 1,5M in […]

    Public Project Idea / 10 members
  • active 3 weeks, 5 days ago

    Background and challenge / problem
    The resilience of the society has been greatly tested during the ongoing COVID pandemic. Although the lockdown and restrictions are being gradually removed, we must prepare […]

    Public Project Idea / 24 members
  • active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Create offer dedicated to make seniors more active (socially and professionally), including care services and developing ways of communicating

    Public Project Idea / 17 members
  • active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    The idea of the project is to create cultural clusters for young people involved in culture to support their activities and, above all, to create institutional support for cooperation in the field of culture in […]

    Public Project Idea / 29 members
  • active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    There is a significant amount of plastic waste generated in the whole Baltic Sea region. Currently only about 30% of plastic waste is recycled using available mature methods (mechanical recycling). The sorting […]

    Public Project Idea / 12 members
  • Group logo of Green park: to create a green car park for municipal institutions
    active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    The municipalities of Šilutė district use only cars powered by oil products. 40 cars travel a total of 400,000 km a year and become a polluting area, leaving traces of CO2. Because green energy production in the S […]

    Public Project Idea / 17 members
  • Group logo of Added Value of the Baltic Sun
    active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Ground-based PV plants are popular among investors, creating great opportunities for more renewable energy, but also challenging for local and regional authorities. On one hand there is a growing demand from […]

    Public Project Idea / 11 members
  • active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Solar-integrated public buildings with vehicle-to-building (V2B) solutions to accelerate green transition

    1. EV users often don’t have conducive charging options at their own apartment […]

    Public Project Idea / 2 members
  • Group logo of MindSpace
    active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Main idea of the project is to increase peoples or overall publics mental health resilience by designing and constructing public spaces that are specifically designed to enhance mental health resilience (like a […]

    Public Project Idea / 3 members
  • Group logo of H2-Derivative@BalticSeaports
    active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Hydrogen as an energy source and storage medium is on everyone’s lips and will certainly play an important role in future energy supply to minimize CO2 emissions in the BSR. Transporting pure H2 by sea is […]

    Public Project Idea / 9 members
  • Group logo of Senior School for the Meaningful Old Age
    active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    As population in Saldus region grows older year by year (36% of population is 55+ (2021 data)), seniors make up a significant part of local community. It is not only demographic, but also economic problem, common […]

    Public Project Idea / 18 members
  • Group logo of Water-related disaster management using Virtual Reality (VR) technologies
    active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    How to best communicate disaster scenarios to those responding to them, to those impacted by them and to those preparing for them?

    The German film university Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf (FBKW) has […]

    Public Project Idea / 9 members
  • Group logo of Interreg Water and Nutrient Loop
    active 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Looking for partners to apply for platforms project on water and nutrient loop topic. Idea in nutshell is to create and interactive catalgoue based on previous and existing nutrient/eutrophication reducing in […]

    Public Project Idea / 6 members
  • active 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    At present, we are dealing with the increasing negative pressure of cities and their inhabitants on the condition of the natural environment, which is manifested, among others, by more and more waste generated by […]

    Public Project Idea / 52 members
  • active 2 months, 1 week ago

    The project concept is based on the development of a social innovation model aimed at increasing the accessibility and attractiveness of the cultural offer of the participating communities. The model involves the […]

    Public Project Idea / 8 members
  • Group logo of Closed Loops Initiative  – A way to resilient and climate neutral rural societies
    active 2 months, 1 week ago

    As described below, we are searching for partners for this project idea of using blue protein and green protein productions in closed loops, facilitated by climate neutral, Wind- , PTX and excess heat energy to […]

    Public Project Idea / 12 members