

First Name


NUTS 2 Region (press strg to select more than one & to unselect)

Poland – Podkarpackie


Participation in Interreg Baltic Sea Region project before


Personal description

Regional Development Agency „MARR” S.A. (established in 1992) is a leading regional institution in Podkarpackie, working for regional development and it is one of the most important partners for the self-government in Podkarpackie in shaping the policy of innovative (smart) development of the region. The strategic objective of MARR S.A. is to support the development of entrepreneurship in the region through the development and implementation of a comprehensive offer addressed to private and public entities and NGOs. We are an experienced and reliable business partner. The scope of our activities: We provide information and advisory services for business owners (especially SMEs) at every stage of business development. We strengthen the competences of entrepreneurs and business Staff. We involve SMEs and coopere with local and national institutions to create innovative region. We contribute to the formation of pro-innovative attitudes among entrepreneurs. We take actions to strengthen entrepreneurship in the region. We assist in providing subsidies and financial products (loans) for the development of businesses in the Podkarpackie region and not all. We support the idea of sustainable development and CSR activities.