Characteristic of microplastic particles in lakes
active 2 days, 18 hours agoThe effect of the presence of freshwater animals on the concentration and qualitative characteristic of microplastic particles in lakes .The aim of the project is to assess the possible impact of freshwater animals (mussels, crustaceans, fish) on the concentration in water qualitative characteristic of microplastic particles in lakes. The expected results of the research outlined in this proposal will provide insight in understanding the circulation of MP in lakes, the mechanisms of its interference with freshwater organisms, and the mechanisms of the self-purification of lakes from MP pollutants. We believe that they could be applied in providing insights for water management, and incorporated into some models, which would take into account fish and and other freshwater animals as vectors in the freshwater transport pathways of MP and their potential mechanical and biochemical effects
on the concentration and qualitative features of microplastic particles.