Research and innovation strategies of R&D in emerging technologies for a sustainable future
active 11 months, 1 week agoI have modified the description. Original was from last year. If this is still interesting, message me and we organize meeting to discuss a consortium. A main applicant is needed (I have SME).
Virtual innovation ecosystems based on place based competence
Local (regional) innovation ecosystems have traditionally focused on the physical meeting as facilitator for ideas and exchange. That interaction*creates new developments for regional economic growth. A typical example is the science park.
The concept of place based innovation in the smart specialisation strategy (S3) by European Commission has been established during recent years. In this, the actions use local strengths in skills, competence, knowhow to promote new development. The local strengths are positioned in larger context by smart specialisation strategy. The S3 is a long-term development.
There are various local innovation ecosystems, from small to larger. They may have their unique niche. That makes them strong but they are still limited due to the physical placement.
Professionals with competence is available via internet. The use of online tools has established new ways to create useful interaction without the same need of physical meeting.
Local innovation ecosystems which interact virtually can add competence and opportunities from each other. Each innovation ecosystem will have access to a wider range of competencies and innovative development.
In this proposal we focus on virtual innovation ecosystems to strengthen the local (physical) ecosystems by interaction with each other using digital tools. That builds resilience and progressive development in new ideas for economic growth.
Mikael changed the description of the project idea
Research and innovation strategies of R&D in emerging technologies for a sustainable future from "Emerging technologies from research and innovation can substantially contribute to reduce negative impact of energy and environmental issues. The SDGs are for the year 2050. The technologies have to increase their readiness level, and the R&D must not be stopped after some years due to lack of funding. The route to come from low TRL to higher TRL makes it necessary to have strategies which will support to enable several EU project fundings. This sets the requirement to think in new ways about partnerships, the research environment, the innovation and entrepreneurship from research, and all the way to engagement with citizens and policy makers. A platform can be active to share experiences, practices, and act in joint ways to address the challenges.
Objective 4.1 Project Platforms" to "I have modified the description. Original was from last year. If this is still interesting, message me and we organize meeting to discuss a consortium. A main applicant is needed (I have SME).Virtual innovation ecosystems based on place based competence
Local (regional) innovation ecosystems have traditionally focused on the physical meeting as facilitator for ideas and exchange. That interaction*creates new developments for regional economic growth. A typical example is the science park.
The concept of place based innovation in the smart specialisation strategy (S3) by European Commission has been established during recent years. In this, the actions use local strengths in skills, competence, knowhow to promote new development. The local strengths are positioned in larger context by smart specialisation strategy. The S3 is a long-term development.
There are various local innovation ecosystems, from small to larger. They may have their unique niche. That makes them strong but they are still limited due to the physical placement.
Professionals with competence is available via internet. The use of online tools has established new ways to create useful interaction without the same need of physical meeting.
Local innovation ecosystems which interact virtually can add competence and opportunities from each other. Each innovation ecosystem will have access to a wider range of competencies and innovative development.
In this proposal we focus on virtual innovation ecosystems to strengthen the local (physical) ecosystems by interaction with each other using digital tools. That builds resilience and progressive development in new ideas for economic growth." 11 months, 1 week ago
Mikael posted an update in the project idea
Research and innovation strategies of R&D in emerging technologies for a sustainable future 1 year, 1 month ago
This project idea was created a year ago. Still relevant. It will modify depending on active organizations ideas. It would be nice to meet and exchange ideas. Email me at for online meeting to sort out ideas and interests, or send message in this platform.
Great! This is what we do: We’re interested if you’re planning to act as a lead partner in the 4/2024 call for proposals.
Hello, perhaps we could share our experience in the area of seed capital and other forms of funding innovations – and other forms of the support for innovative SME in general? We are the Regional Development Agency with 30+ years of experience and we develop our own support tools, too 🙂 We took part in the Interreg BSR and other projects…[Read more]
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