Coping with analysis paralysis in the transition towards a circular bioeconomy (PLATFORM Prio 3.1: C
active 5 months, 1 week agoUpdated 08/07/2024
Idea development in progress. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any input to This project would be building on experiences from BREC: and other projects tackling the challenges related to circular bioeconomy.
In the development of the circular bioeconomy, there has been a vast technological development creating the issue of “analysis paralysis”. This phenomenon occurs when numerous new technologies are introduced at the same time, creating a dilemma for effective decision-making. Which solution is best for your specific case? Biogas production; protein extraction; phosphorous extraction; nitrogen enrichment; biochar production; and/or their accompanying pre- and post-treatment processes? The list goes on.
Additionally, each country has to decide on political incentives to make the transition faster. This adds to the complexity and makes the analysis paralysis even more apparent. Furthermore, the implementation of political incentives is not well coordinated between EU countries, resulting in unwanted market developments in some cases, for example when one country incentivises biogas production while another country incentivises biogas use.
There is a need for a platform that eases transition of information about emerging technologies and experiences with new incentives across countries. Such a platform would make it easier for policy makers to make decisions based on updated information and knowledge. This would not only helpful for international collaboration, but also within countries, as the challenges related to the circular bioeconomy are often divided between several governmental bodies tackling different issues such as economy, agriculture, energy, environment and/or waste.