Personal description |
Smiltene region is located in the country of Latvia. The total area of Smiltene’s municipality is 1800.55 km2 with population ~ 19.4 thousand people. Smiltene’s region is a great place to live, work, start a family, study, actively relax, cultivate cultural traditions and develop entrepreneurship. We are one of the most economically active and fastest growing regions in Latvia. The main reasons are the development of entrepreneurship and the intensive absorption of European Union funds. We have a great experience in participation in Interreg projects like Central Baltic, Baltic Sea Region, Estonia-Latvia, Europe programs. In recent years we have accumulated experience in the implementation of projects in support of various financial instruments- The European Social Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, etc., which has enabled the implementation of various spheres and scope of projects- climate change, improvement of hydraulic structure, improvement entrepreneurship, energy efficiency projects.