Project Ideas
The effect of the presence of freshwater animals on the concentration and qualitative characteristic of microplastic particles in lakes .The aim of the project is to assess the possible impact of freshwater […]
The project planned for implementation will be submitted under Interreg BSR priority 1. Innovative societies, 1.2 Public services responding to the needs of the inhabitants.
As part of the Interreg BSR priority, […] -
The aim of the project is to reduce the pressure exerted on the environment by urban areas and to better adapt urban areas to the progressing climate change by improving their resistance to periodic problems […]
It is no longer good enough that the wood industry is renewable, it must also be circular. A large program has been started in Norway to establish value chains for the reuse of wood from buildings (SirkTRE: […]
Benches in urban areas equipped with solar panels to provide mobile device charging and wifi
Environmental pollution by hazardous substances has become a serious problem in the Baltic Sea Region. Over the last decade, an increasing number of studies have shown that various hazardous substances are found […]
The aim of the project is to develop and implement new solutions to prevent and reduce water pollution through systematic monitoring. Thanks to this, it will be possible to plan processes for more effective water […]