

First Name


NUTS 2 Region (press strg to select more than one & to unselect)

Estonia – Eesti, Latvia – Latvija, Lithuania – SostinÄ—s regionas


Participation in Interreg Baltic Sea Region project before


Personal description

The River Cleaner from Rivers.Global is a low-cost, low-tech plastic skimmer. It's meant for rivers with boat traffic since it will not hinder boat traffic. The prototype of The River Cleaner is now parked in Norway, making very little use of itself. We are on the search for an organization that can make use of it. We will give it away for free as long as someone will empty it, see to that the debris is treated properly, maintain it etc. What The River Cleaner needs in order to be effective is at river with a constant current and lots of floating debris. Feel free to call me at +47 41493111. Martin, head of the Board of Rivers.Global