Personal description |
I work for the City of Gdansk as a senior specialist on international smart projects. I am also a contact officer for EUROCITIES. I have been managing EU projects within different programmes for twenty years, mostly Interreg (BSR and Europe) Jus to mention some completed ones I coordineted: CycleCities, PIMMS Transfer, PACEM, PCP-Plan the City with the Port, MoCuBA-Mobilty in the Baltic Sea, TAPESTRY etc. But also a project within CiViTAS inictiative (MIMOSA CiViTAS Plu). At the moment I coordinate GreenSAM – Interreg BSR and School Chance Interreg Europe projects. Gdansk is a city open to new iniciatives, which for as is Circular Economy, therefore the city is interested in joining a project concerning Circular Economy as a partner. We would like to implement new solutions in this field, learn form other cities and become more sustainable city.