Personal description |
Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the registered office in Poznań was established in 1989. It represents the interests of associated companies, both on the domestic market and abroad. It serves as the guide, advisor and guardian during domestic and foreign contacts. It is the regional apolitical and independent organization, of voluntary membership, operation within the regional government. Our mission is to support the enterprises development and successful representation of their interests and in particular small and medium companies. Our goals are: cooperation with the territorial government and administration in creation of advantageous conditions for business development; development of service market for small and medium enterprises on the basis of existing local and regional institutions; undertaking all actions leading to increase competitiveness of small and medium enterprises by supplying high quality services. Professional staff of Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall perform all tasks within the following range: undertaking business initiatives in Wielkopolska; promotion of companies of Wielkopolska in the country and abroad; partners research; organization of training and seminars; legalization of foreign trade documents. WIPH has extensive experience in implementing EU and international projects. By Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry operates Arbitration Business Court to resolve amicably disputes between enterprises.