Personal description |
PhD (Phys&Math., Atm.Sci.), MSc (Env.Mod., Atm.Sci.), BSc. (Atm.Sci.); more than 25 years of research experience; fields of research are modelling of atmospheric processes and transport of pollutants (including radionuclides) on local-meso-regional-hemispheric scales, on-line integrated meteorology-chemistry-aerosols modelling at regional-urban scales, impact of urban areas on meteorology and atmospheric composition, atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric boundary layer processes, environmental impact and risk assessment, fine-scale road weather forecasting, birch pollen modelling, numerical weather prediction, statistics; consulting/co-advising students BSc/MSc/PhD on relevant research projects/theses; co-author of over 300 sci.-tech. publications, incl. 5 books and about 60 peer-reviewed papers; worked in Russia (Russian State Hydrometeorological University; Kola Science Center of Russian Academy of Sciences), USA (University of Alaska Fairbanks /UAF, University of Washington /UW), Austria (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis), France (Ecole Centrale de Nantes), Denmark (Danish Meteorological Institute), and Finland (University of Helsinki); since 2000 has been involved in many international projects such as AR-NARP, FARECS, INTAS, FP5 FUMAPEX, FP6 Enviro-RISKS, FP7 (MEGAPOLI, TRANSPHORM, MACC, MarcoPolo), Horizon-2020 (ESCAPE, INTAROS, iCUPE, CRiceS), Nordic (NordRISK, CEEH, RSF, NetFAM, fsRSF, MUSCATEN, CarboNord, CRAICC-PEEX, CRUCIAL, TRAKT-2018), AoF (ClimEco, ACCC), TEMPUS (QualiMet, CombatMeteo), Erasmus+ (MODEST, ClimEd), FIRST+ (PEEX-AC), EU COST Actions (-728, -EUPOL, -ENCWF, -EuMetChem), HIRLAM, HARMONIE, EnviroChemistry/ EnviroAerosols/ Enviro-PEEX/ Enviro-PEEX(Plus) on ECMWF HPC, PEEX-MP-Europa3 HPC, Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) programme, and other projects.