active 9 months, 1 week agoGENERAL OBJECTIVE of our project is to develop and test a pilot solution for optimizing the public service delivery process for the distribution of utilities that responds to the needs of the end-user community.
Our project responds to the challenges:
1. Shared responsibility for water scarciyu and management in BSR
2. Diverse expertise, knowledge and experiences by BSR
3. Scale and impact to water system throught BSR
4. Learning and develop more innovations in BSR
The project comprises three distinct Work Packages (WPs) each with its unique focus and contribution. WP1.T1, Game model development includes water saving model, model of participation and rulebook. WP1.T2 focuses on digital solutions for game – defining objectives, research, testing, use different tools and resources, risk analysis and implementation. In WP1.T3, Closing the loop concentrates on presenting and get feedback from consortium members about the data from the Life Pilica project. It’s also includes educational activities for future users of the application. WP2 focuses on piloting solutions and implementing corrections for model prepared in WP1, based on variations between participants, monitoring and evaluation and comparing solutions. This WP will engage most project stakeholders, offers model developers the chance to see the results of their work and gather feedback. The last WP3 involves enabling the model to be implemented on a large scale within partner organizations and beyond. It will be achived through promoting and disseminating project results.