SMART LEISURE – Digital Inclusion – looking for LEAD PARTNER
active 2 weeks agoThe LEAD PARTNER sought.
Priority: 1.1 – Innovative societies
PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE 1.1 Resilient economies and communities
Programme action addressed: Action 2: Digital innovation and transformation
ICTs are one of edge-cutting technologies. They are present on every step and every day in our life.
Many on-line tools exist and multiple classes and courses are available; however, there are still significant gaps and discrepancies in the digital knowledge, education and basic literacy, which should be common for everybody.
The project will address the limited possibilities of digital literacy and education in various socio-economic groups or areas.
Thus, a healthier, more cooperative, stronger, smarter – and hence the more resilient – society will grow and bloom.
The advanced and resilient society requires that all its members have equal access to the education and knowledge and that all its members can acquire skills necessary in every day activities.
The communities equipped with the contemporary skills will be better prepared to use the new and future technologies in private life and during their careers.
The acquired skills will help to improve the living conditions thanks to the easier access to public and private services, healthcare, social care, education, innovative mobility solutions, they will allow savings of time, energy, effort, and will facilitate the social inclusion and will help to fight the isolation. It will also decrease the volatility to the abuse and fraud.
Despite of the seeming abundance of the support, there are certain groups of people in various life circumstances who, due to the low level of their digital literacy suffer the exclusion or are at risk of it. In particular, there are families and individuals with low income, old age, with pathological background.
Lack of basic and more advanced digital skills constitutes a barrier to the further development and education and to enjoying life in full.
The accelerating progress deepens the differences and can even lead to social animosities due to the increasing feeling of alienation and isolation – and in the end to the social exclusion and marginalisation. To prevent negative impact of the rapid technological development on the society, it is necessary to facilitate the digitalisation and to unravel the mysteries for all age social and economy groups.
The problem will be solved by the development of events (e.g. open workshops, demo-days, demonstration classes at schools, colleges, clubs) for various groups of community at risk of marginalisation due to their socio-economic characteristics and deficiencies such as .
The events will include all age groups and will create the atmosphere of social integrity, cooperation and support between various generations.
Workshops will aim to accustom the citizens with 3D technologies and robotics, internet and the digital safety, Industry 4.0 and 5.0, ICTs, IoT, VR, AR, AI – and to make the abbreviation obvious and familiar. The objective of events will be to deliver the knowledge and put the newly acquired skills in action as a part of every-day life and in the case of an emergency – thanks to increased effectiveness, flexibility and .
We expect that at least 2 open public events will be held at each partner location with the conference for local authorities, NGOs, specialised healthcare and entities operating with and/or for the communities.
We are looking for a reliable leader partner preferably with experience in Interreg international programmes.
Zane joined the project idea
SMART LEISURE – Digital Inclusion – looking for LEAD PARTNER 2 weeks ago
Krystyna joined the project idea
SMART LEISURE – Digital Inclusion – looking for LEAD PARTNER 1 year ago
Sergej joined the project idea
SMART LEISURE – Digital Inclusion – looking for LEAD PARTNER 1 year ago
Audra joined the project idea
SMART LEISURE – Digital Inclusion – looking for LEAD PARTNER 1 year ago
Simona joined the project idea
SMART LEISURE – Digital Inclusion – looking for LEAD PARTNER 1 year ago
Anna joined the project idea
SMART LEISURE – Digital Inclusion – looking for LEAD PARTNER 1 year ago
Vaiva joined the project idea
SMART LEISURE – Digital Inclusion – looking for LEAD PARTNER 1 year ago
Andrzej joined the project idea
SMART LEISURE – Digital Inclusion – looking for LEAD PARTNER 1 year ago