Re-inventing Business Models for Circular Economy – small project
active 10 months, 3 weeks agoThe companies (SMEs) ofen do not want to enter the initiatives with public authorities or research organisations. There are several reasons of such behaviour, among others lack of time, but first of all the lack or a very low level of trust. In the Re-BM project we want to show to the businesses that they can count on our support. It is especially important in quick-changed economy and for the need to adjust to changing conditions. We would like to offer them the raise of the competences in the area of business modelling with the relation to circular economy through the development of a complex training course dedicated to business models in circular economy which can be then used by them in practice.
Activity 1: Project Management
Activity 2: The modification of the existing business model training course developed in the ERASMUS+ project to the circular economy needs.
Activity 3: Piloting: During this phase the developed business model directed to the circular economy will be tested among entrepreneurs in all partner countries.
Activity 4: Dissemination
We are looking 1-2 partners for this project