Information and Service Center
active 1 year, 1 month agoMunicipalities have to provide good governance principles, promote citizen involvement in cities activities, be open and responsive toward citizens needs. Effective collaboration between municipalities and citizens is one of the key elements for the development of the whole city. For the municipality to be able to address citizen needs more quickly, more efficiently and with less bureaucracy, new innovative and integrated solutions are required.
Liepāja Municipality wants to create Liepaja Information and Service Center by uniting and integrating 4 important municipal functions within it – smart video surveillance systems for the maintenance of security, call center for operative communication with citizens, task management system for effective and rational task control and distribution between municipality establishments and departments, and Civil protection command center to provide operative actions in case of crisis.
To make public services more cost-efficient, an integrated solution is the most suitable. The information and Service Center will include innovative and digital solutions, fostering digitalization and optimizing human work resources. Accessible municipality will promote citizen engagement and improve overall municipal governance principles. The gathered data will be used to make smart decisions regarding development plans.
Partners with similar needs or matching expertise are welcomed and can contact Kristine Cabikina via e-mail Transnational cooperation and sharing of experience will bring added value to the project. Not only partners can learn from each other experience, but test, create and implement new joint solutions to tackle specific municipal challenges.