Local Heat Planning – Achieving the heat transition in BSR municipalities (PlanHeat)
active 1 year, 1 month agoIn accordance with the revised EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), in all European countries, including the BSR, heating (and cooling) plans need to be developed in the upcoming years, that are aligned with other local climate, energy and environment planning requirements. In order to avoid the isolated and accordingly less efficient development of a large number of individual plans in each of the BSR countries and municipalities, the project “PlanHeat” aims to initiate an early transnational exchange, know-how transfer and based on this, the description of the necessary legislative and institutional support framework as well as the development of a transferable guidance and toolset for the organisation and implementation of such heat plans. Within pilot projects (preferably one in each partner country), the developed guidance and toolset will be tested and adapted to local situation in order to test the approach and to achieve tailor-made local heat plans. This approach will be further disseminated all over the BSR via various exploitation and communication measures.
A tandem of two partner institutions from each of the eight BSR countries is planned for the full partnership: one municipality and one expert agency/company working in the field of energy planning or being responsible for local heat supply. In addition, “PlanHeat” aims to involve advisory organisations as well as the national level of the participating countries
Full partners
• Local authorities and the different departments (urban planning, climate protection, energy manage-ment)
• Energy agencies (being responsible for local heat planning)
• Engineering companies (being responsible for local heat planning)
Associated partners
• Regional and/or national authorities
• Housing companies, Housing cooperatives and Home owner associations
• Utility companies
• Heat network operators
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