GreenPorts –logistics-, transport- and storage hub by co-creation for sustainable, innovative heavy
active 8 months, 4 weeks agoThe municipality of Middelfart (project lead) in the South Denmark Region is searching for partners for a proposal that aims to develop and pilot a concept for a logistics-, transport- and storage hub where co-creation drives sustainable, innovative heavy duty transport solutions. The municipality are experienced with Interreg-projects.
*** Desired partners: Municipalities and business associations ***
*** Background ***
The municipality of Middelfart strives to create new standards for the development of green business areas throughout the municipality with a focus on sustainability – both economically, environmentally and socially.
In the business area of Middelfart, the municipality wants to initiate and pilot a project that will develop targeted test procedures with a view to creating new standards within sustainability in the industry, including e.g. increased entrepreneurship and more skilled workers for the industry. The area thus becomes – in addition to its core function – a think tank for broad sustainable development in the entire sector and a development space for the green business areas of the future.
*** Target: Concept development and piloting of transport hub (focus on heavy road transport combined with electric vehicles) using a holistic approach ***
*** Approach: The municipality is interested in piloting and exploring synergies between the following (can be changed according to needs and interest of other partners): ***
1) Entrepreneurship (hardware, software and softtech) including development of test areas and use of co-creation methods:
The possibility of establishing entrepreneurial environments within transport and logistics/hardware/software start-ups must be investigated. The requirement for participation is that the entrepreneurs work with innovative solutions to make urban logistics and cross-country transport more sustainable.
The challenges in relation to more sustainable logistics must, among other things, be solved with technological monitoring systems with a view to developing green driving technology and reducing “empty miles” and software for optimizing sustainable transport and logistics. Softtech developers and entrepreneurs can meet in development and co-creation spaces with hard-tech developers, entrepreneurs and companies and cross-innovators.
Opportunities can be created for physical co-creation areas/facilities that can support knowledge sharing and co-creation between the business area’s many actors. The main purpose of the co-creation is to deal with how products can be transformed into sustainable elements in sustainable production, but also creates life on the area where possible. In collaboration with e.g. the Design School, innovation courses are drawn up, which must develop concepts for the recycling of surplus goods – this could be, for example, pallets etc. Several start-ups and SMEs base their business model on recycling surplus materials for new products.
2) Outreach and co-creation with education, businesses and civil society:
Collaboration with educational insitutions to develop a concept around the workforce of the future. Within the business areas of storage, logistics and transport there is a shortage of skilled labour. This can only be solved by more students applying for relevant vocational training. Therefore, motivating and creative collaboration spaces must be established for e.g. school company collaboration. A format must be developed that creates the best conditions for knowledge sharing across subjects and industries, users and visitors. This can be physical settings, virtual tools or meetings between people. At the same time, the area can be used for apprenticeship communities across subjects.
Develop innovation courses with a focus on circular economy / concept development on the recycling of goods, including specific focus on lack of skilled labor.
3) Civil society participation: Access for users and visitors (virtual and/or physical) from the civil society and integration of conference facilities.
Please get in touch with the South Denmark EU Office if you are interested in the partner search!
Contact EU Consultant Helle Bech at