Ecological and economic solution for maritime passenger and small freight transport
active 12 months agoAt the core is a transport system which combines a sharp reduction in environmental impact and at the same time economic advantages and efficiency gains. Environmental impact is defined as CO2 footprint and harm to maritime flora and fauna. Economic advantages are cost reduction and efficiency gains in terms of speed.
To widen the scope of the core, we are looking for partners to develop a network of complementary digital solutions or services for the following areas:
– connect rural seaborne areas
– Improve transport over environmental sensitive areas
– Rescue and guard services
– Ferry and shuttle service
– Airfreight alternative
Rimants joined the project idea
Ecological and economic solution for maritime passenger and small freight transport 12 months ago
Jukka joined the project idea
Ecological and economic solution for maritime passenger and small freight transport 1 year ago
Laima joined the project idea
Ecological and economic solution for maritime passenger and small freight transport 2 years ago
Hello Guido, this is very interesting idea. Do you have a particular technology or geographic location already in mind?
Dear Paula, thank you very much for your interest! Yes, the core of the project is a boat, which uses at particular aerodynamic solution. This will improve maritime transport both, in terms of ecological and economical criteria by a big deal. Here we concentrate on the partners for complementary services or solutions which help to make it a…[Read more]
Dear Guido, Thank you for the reply. I am interested in the solutions which can support water bus services in the archipelago. My organisation, Centrum Balticum, is located in Turku, near the South West Archipelago and my working location is in Stockholm. There is a great need to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the small scale…[Read more]