Baltic Sea Innovation Forum
active 2 years, 3 months agoChallenge:
On the top level, EU defines social and environmental problems and takes action to promote innovation and research. The RDI activities produce new products or services, operating concepts and tools, BUT after the project ends, the results are not always sustained/utilized, BECAUSE of multiple factors:
o companies lack time to investigate existing solutions developed by research institutions;
o the platforms and information channels currently in use are not easy and clear for companies and associations to use;
o the communication style/language used in the projects is not directly open to people other than the project actors;
o the so-called “bubbles” – innovation ecosystem players have various goals, culture, and even language;
o the analysis of the companies needs and involvement of companies into planning is usually conducted quite late, after the start of the project;
o transnational interaction between universities networks and innovation ecosystems is not enough.
Main goal:
Better connect research and regional innovation systems
o Lower the bar for co-operation between RDI operators and companies
o Transform project culture in the Baltic Sea Region
o Organize series of national and international networking and cooperation events
Project concept:
o The Baltic Sea Innovation Forum provides a transnational platform/forum to connect Baltic Sea region innovation ecosystems and having access to public, research and business groups, to engage them in the collaborative process of co-creation to bridge the existing knowledge, skills and market access gaps for SMEs.
o Transformation of a project culture by building a collaboration model how to bring different kind of stakeholders to the same table;
o Organizing a macro-regional “Slush” – type event for projects and SMEs;
o Organizing a pitching training for the project actors.
o The results/solutions from EU-funded projects are utilized by the SMEs
o New project ideas are created based on the finalized projects’ results
o SMEs develop new crows-border networks
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