Adopting and Piloting of Advanced Data-Driven Community Resilience Evaluation Model to support long-
active 3 years agoWhen resilient development is discussed, usually national or large urban area aspects are considered and evaluated. However, Baltic Sea Region have common challenge – how to tackle sustainability and resilience topics in less inhabited areas or small municipalities to make sure that all communities have developed abilities to overcome and recover from social and economic pressures, are able to attract investments, remain competitive and innovative.
To design sustainable and resilient development strategy each municipality – big or small, should have data-based arguments and existing situation evaluation indicating strength and weaknesses of the community. Data analytics is especially challenging, even impossible, for small communities.
Besides inability to get data and run analytics, existing sustainability models require large number of datasets that are hard to acquire, have different sources and methodologies so are impossible to benchmark the outputs across regions and countries.
Based on initial Advanced Human Development Index developed by scientists of University of Latvia we will develop data-based Community Resilience Evaluation Model (CREM) that allows to evaluate the existing strength and weaknesses of the community, help to design development and smart specialization strategies of communities as well as benchmark with other regions across Baltic Sea Region.
The mathematical model will be piloted, adjusted, and optimized according to feedback from pilots in every participating country. Model will be then developed into online platform with data analytics, participant login and individual access, data integration, automatic upload and real-time result display.
Unique for the developed model:
• Optimized to reduce the number necessary datasets for easier deployment and real-time monitoring
• Covering all aspects of resilience: human/social, Environment and economy/innovations
• Delivered and deployed through efficient partnership among Digital Innovation Hubs, Municipalities and Research organization
• Develop online portal for real-time progress report and benchmarking
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