Niko changed the description of the project idea
Wellness Clinic 65+ (partner acquisition completed / consortium full) from "The project aims to develop an integrated well-being and health & service counseling and guidance concept for older adults outside regular care (e.g. home care, 24-hour care, etc.).
Through a human-centric data-driven approach, preventive support is targeted for groups at high risk of developing NCDs, and more intensive support is for groups already suffering from non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Through the new need-driven data sources, latent risk factors can be identified in different areas of well-being and health (social, physical, mental, and cognitive). For lower-risk groups, the clinic provides integrated modern digital health & well-being counseling and coaching, as well as service counseling and guidance.
The wellness clinic concept defines and co-designs a low-threshold digital service channel, open to all citizens to enhance preventive guidance and coordination of preventive networks such as welfare district units, municipalities, NGOs, and SMEs.
The wellness clinic has transparent interfaces with public sector units and a network of preventive actors. It directs based on personalized health and well-being data provided by older adults.
For more information/project idea paper:
Niko Lankinen, Chief Specialist, niko.lankinen@lab.fi
Let's connect on Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/nikolankinen" to "A LIMITED AMOUNT OF PROJECT COUNTRIES WILL BE SELECTED AT THE LATEST ON JANUARY 13th 2023. IF INTERESTED, EMAIL niko.lankinen@lab.fiThe project aims to develop an integrated well-being and health & service counseling and guidance concept for older adults outside regular care (e.g. home care, 24-hour care, etc.).
Through a human-centric data-driven approach, preventive support is targeted for groups at high risk of developing NCDs, and more intensive support is for groups already suffering from non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Through the new need-driven data sources, latent risk factors can be identified in different areas of well-being and health (social, physical, mental, and cognitive). For lower-risk groups, the clinic provides integrated modern digital health & well-being counseling and coaching, as well as service counseling and guidance.
The wellness clinic concept defines and co-designs a low-threshold digital service channel, open to all citizens to enhance preventive guidance and coordination of preventive networks such as welfare district units, municipalities, NGOs, and SMEs.
The wellness clinic has transparent interfaces with public sector units and a network of preventive actors. It directs based on personalized health and well-being data provided by older adults.
For more information/project idea paper:
Niko Lankinen, Chief Specialist, niko.lankinen@lab.fi
Let's connect on Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/nikolankinen" 2 years, 2 months ago